When it rains it pours! It has been a rough couple of week friends but in the same breath I am so thankful. I still choose to believe everything happens perfectly but, man, it gets a bit tricky to stay positive when it feels like just when you get your head above the water another wave hits you in the face.
About three weeks ago I got the go ahead from my doctor, who is super happy with my recovery process, to slowly started building up my fitness! YEAY ME!! To be honest it's a strange feeling, and to be frank I am terrified of training properly again. That said, luckily that’s another days battle, for now I just need to actually get fit again. Or so I thought.
About two weeks ago I came down with a hectic flu! O my word it was rough, I had the worst body aches and a fever of almost 39 degrees C for about 3 days. I am happy to report that I am at least doing better but my word it felt like I was dying. I suspect it was swine flu so… now I can tick that box as well.
Dear universe, I would like to be healthy now again, please & thank you!
It has been a rough couple of years! I am sure loads of you can relate, so hang in there. It will get better I am sure of it.

In other news; seeing that my recovery is progressing nicely, I am working to organise a little Mariske Meet&Greet gathering in celebration of womans month. It will be held at Bloemendal wine estate on the 6th of August so be sure to safe the date! It won’t be anything hectic I promise and at least that gives me just over a month to get some sort of fitness! 😊 Hopefully no more hiccups, but whatever happens there will be snacks, fun trails and some awesome give aways! More info to follow later.
I would just like to send out a massive thank you to my amazing sponsors for all their support throughout this entire journey. I am truly so blessed with the most amazing peeps!
Till next time stay safe and enjoy the trails.
PS can someone please organise some sunny weather… just for a little bit. Thanks
Say no more consider it Done, Sunshine for the next 4 days as requested.