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Racing is fun!

Can you believe it’s already two weeks since my first “race” of the year?! Best part if the next is around the corner! Man it was good to be back on the bike, and I truly did not relize how much I actually missed the racing scene, or I just did not allow myself to feel it. I have to admit I am feeling slightly lost, it has been a wild year to say the least but I am looking forward to building on my fitness, and man it is a daunting HUGE mountain that is staring my in the face, but nothing that I haven't done before so one can almost say I am kind of a expert in the art of getting in shape ;). My body has been through a lot and miraculously it has recovered so well. I thank God every day for the blessing and health He has given me and I look forward to reaching my full potential.

It is weird to think the year is already almost over, it has truly gone by so quickly actually, or is it just me?

Well back to work it is, and there is a BIG chunk of it starring me in the face but I have never been one to shy away form a good challenge. So for now I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the Savanna Origin of Trails in a short two weeks and looking forward to reminiscing on the glorious trails that is Stellenbosch! Thanks again for all the support throughout this rough season. I have the most amazing sponsors, family and friends and I cannot thank you all enough for sticking by me through this the dark times!

Till next time!

PS if there are any questions or suggestions that you guys would like to see on my tech tips please feel free to give me a shout, I look forward to hearing from you.


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