Kind of kinky

After a very VERY long trip from Europe I made it in one piece. Next up was well first a nice training block, followed by WORLD CHAMPS!!
Training went amazing and I was on a roll. My numbers were better than ever, my mental state was superb and I was beyond myself to firstly represent my country and of course rip off some legs!
The plan was to only do the XCO race on the Saturday but there was a slight change of plan which meant that I had fill in on the XCO team relay the Wednesday. I figured this would be a nice leg opener and see how the track runs for race day, but yet again life chucked a "lekker" curve ball my direction.
I am pretty sure most of you know about my crash on La Beatrice, which left my finger kind of kinky. I am very grateful that I walked away from that one. My poor little baby finger took the worst of it, but besides that my knee, hip and back also took some serious shots. I am now, once again, dealing with the aftermath of doing acrobatic dismounts into a rock garden. Luckily by now I know the drill, rehab, rehab and some more rehab. I can finally type, write and start moving more normally so for that I am super grateful. This was/is however quite an expensive endeavour, my advice... stay on your bike!
For now I am taking it easy and have had a lovely forced break from pretty much everything. I am happy to report that the excitement is back for next year and I am very much focused on Tokyo 2020. I also have some exciting news to share! Unfortunately you’ll have to wait a little bit longer to find out more ;).
I just want to give a special shout out to everyone that has been apart of this journey, from the medical staff in Canada to my travel insurance to my home supporters. You all know who you are and I am truly very grateful for every one of you!
Keep it safe out there